Diamond-Charging – Automatic Charging for Trucks

In the quest for autonomous transportation, a key challenge is automatic charging. If an autonomous truck will need its battery re-charged during long haul drive, it will require automated charging at the charging station.

If an autonomous truck has a short circular duty cycle (logistic hubs, Airports, mines, seaports) – it is only logical to charge it several times during the day in-order to minimize battery cost and weight. This can be done only with automatic charging.

And even before the autonomous truck’s era – there are strong arguments for the use of automatic charging today!

  1. Safety – No falling over cables in the depot. No collisions with charging stations.
  2. Reducing driver’s tasks or avoiding need for a charging personnel.
  3. Option of reducing battery size and weight for opportunity charging cases.
  4. Gaining valuable area for parking bays in the charging depot.

In certain cases, Diamond Charging may save 10-15% of total fleet’s cost!      Let us show you how!

Diamond-Charging developed the Top-Down Automatic Device* and the Truck’s Receiver* to meet the industry standards and the OppCharge requirements.

*The Top-Down Automatic Device and the Truck’s Receiver are Patent Pending.

Technical Data

Compliance with EN 61851 and ISO standard 15118

Nominal Voltage 750V

Maximum Voltage 1500V

Power Range 150, 300, 450, 600 KW

Lowering time – 6-8 seconds

Raising time – 8-10 seconds

Ambient Temperature -30C to +45C

Heated electrodes when required

Wi-Fi Communication

Adjustable Receiver’s height for tilting cabin