
eLinkAir and Electric Car

Charging electric cars on-the move, while driving on eHighway. No need to stop for charging.

eLinkAir is capable of flying adjacent to dedicated transmission lines and draw power from them. At the same time, it can transfer the power to a driving electric car below, via insulated charging cable.

The benefits arising from these remarkable features are numerous:

Saving the driver the hassle of locating a charging station on his way and stopping for recharging, but also reducing car-price to begin with, reducing maintenance costs, and making contribution to the fight against pollution and global warming.
How? By significantly reducing the electric car’s battery. The electric car will not need anymore to carry hundreds of kilograms of expensive batteries. Small battery would suffice for 100-150Km daily commuting in the city (charged overnight), while on the highway – eLinkAir will do the job.
The eLinkAir will be stationed in a docking station on the car’s rooftop and will be released only when the car will embark on the eHighway. When it will leave the highway – the eLinkAir will descend gently to nest again in its docking station.